Second Sunday in Easter
Scripture: John 20:19-31 Faith in Action Idea: Caring Conversation Talk or write about what you heard in the Bible text/story.
Jesus calls us to serve our neighbor in love. Based on the Daily Bible Readings and theme for this week, how might you help others see Jesus through your actions and words? Good Friday
Good Friday is a day of thoughtful consideration for Jesus' sacrifice, his death on the cross, for each one of us. The spiritual practice for this time of worship will be Tenebrae, a service of meditation on Christ's suffering. Preparing for Worship in Your Home Although no items are required, you are welcome to gather 7 candles and extinguish them in succession with the worship leaders. Faith in Action Idea: Caring Conversation Talk or write about what you heard in the Bible text/story.
Faith in Action Idea: Service Jesus calls us to serve our neighbor in love. Based on the Holy Week Bible Readings and theme, how do you show through actions and words that you are a follower of Jesus? Maundy Thursday
Scripture: Matthew 26:17-30 During Holy Week in the Christian church, Maundy Thursday is recognized as the day of Jesus' Last Supper with the disciples, his friend's betrayal, and his arrest. It is a day we gather around a meal in remembrance and assurance of Jesus' presence. Preparing for Worship in Your Home To prepare for this time of worship and spiritual practice please gather: a candle, water, bread, wine or grape juice, and a cross. Faith in Action Idea: Caring Conversation Talk or write about what you heard in the Bible text/story.
Faith in Action Idea: Prayer Compassionate God, you stop at nothing to deliver us from sin and death. Thank you, Jesus, Son of God and our Savior and Lord forever. Amen. Palm Sunday
Scripture: Philippians 2:5-11 and Luke 22:14—23:56 and Isaiah 50:4-9a Faith in Action Idea: Caring Conversation Talk or write about what you heard in the Bible text/story.
Faith in Action Idea: Service
Fifth Sunday in Lent
Scripture: Philippians 3:4b-14 and John 12:1-8 Faith in Action Idea: Caring Conversation Talk or write about what you heard in the Bible text/story.
Faith in Action Idea: Scripture to Dwell on I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection. (Philippians 3:10a) NRSV |
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June 2023
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