MOPS Moms Small Group
Meets 9: 00 am to 11:00 am the First and Third Wednesday of the month. Childcare provided. For moms of preschoolers For more information or to register, contact MOPS Coordinator Abby Pardee |
Zion Quilters
Meet Tuesdays 9:30 am to 12:00 pm in the fellowship hall at Zion Lutheran. No prior skill necessary. All are welcome! Quilts are made for Lutheran World Relief |
Small Group Text Study
This small group meets following worship on Sundays in the Fireside room to read and discuss scripture that will be used in worship the following week. Each session is a stand alone conversation. You are welcome to come and go based on your schedule. All are welcome. Contact Pastor Joe Iverson for more detail. |
Bible Reading Plans
BibleProject has over thirty reading plans available on The Bible App by YouVersion. Here are all of our plans we’d encourage you to try there. Contact Pastor Joe Iverson if you would like to talk about the Bible more. |
Synod School of Theology
Unique opportunities for adult faith formation. There are no exams; you learn at your own pace while engaged in a community of learners all seeking to grow in their discipleship! Classes take place Thursday evenings via zoom or in-person. Click Here for more information. |
Abide Young Adult Virtual Small Group
Abide is a small group ministry hosted by ELCA Young Adults. Young adults (age 18-35) can register to be placed into a weekly, virtual small group led by a young adult Small Group Leader. Groups meet via video call for approximately an hour over the course of an Abide season (usually 7-9 weeks). Groups meet to reflect on the Abide video series that is released weekly. |
Lutheran Campus Ministry Network
LuMin is a collective center for ministry information, student referrals and campus ministry resources, we seek to welcome, affirm and accept all students in Christ’s name. |
Grow in Leadership Platform
When we feel God calling us to make a difference in the world, we can be overwhelmed by the sheer number of questions and options. Journi is a digital tool for everyone who feels called to leadership in this church. Journi will equip you with tools to discover your gifts, practical resources to learn more about opportunities within the church, and next steps to move forward. Watch this video to learn more. Click here for more information. |
Trekker Small Group
Contact Pastor Joe Iverson if you are interested in participating in a monthly small group that hikes throughout the local area. Previous hikes have included: Brady's Bluff, Perrot State Park, Dragan's Trail, and Sugar Loaf in Winona. |
Vibrant Faith Resources
The following activities are designed for adults and couples. The activities are short (usually only 5-10 minutes) and include Bible Stories, Conversations, Learning about Faith, Prayer, Ritual & Tradition, and Serving Others. They are in PDF files with a simple formatting to make it easy to use and download |
Young Adults in Global Mission
Interested in global service? Want to learn more about our global partner churches? Are you interested in intentional community, mutuality, and sustainability? The ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) invites around 70 young adults into a transformative, year-long journey in intentional service with our partners. As they offer themselves in service, ELCA young adults are shaped by the witness of our global neighbors. They share in the journeys of companion churches and organizations in one of nine country programs around the world. |
Peace Not Walls Network
Focused on Accompaniment, Advocacy & Awareness The ELCA is working for justice and peace in Palestine and Israel through our campaign, Peace Not Walls. Through accompaniment, advocacy and awareness-raising, Peace Not Walls connects ELCA members to our companions and promotes dignity, full respect for human rights, healing and reconciliation. With our Palestinian Lutheran companions, we also accompany Palestinians and Israelis, Jews, Christians and Muslims working together for peace with justice. Click here for the Peace Not Walls Blog |
Phone: (608) 582-2818
Office Email: [email protected]
Pastor Joe Email: [email protected]